As required by the Code of Canon Law (Canon 537), every parish is to have Parish Finance Council whose role is to assist and advise the Pastor in the administration of the temporal goods of the parish.
Latest - St Basil's Finance Council Meeting Minutes - Dec 16 |
Previous Minutes
In addition to the Pastor, the membership must include not less than three registered parishioners, either elected or appointed. Other than the Pastor, no person who receives a salary or other payment from a parish is to be a member of that parish’s Finance Council. A Chair, other than the Pastor, must be elected or appointed from among the members of the Council.
The names and contact information for the members of the Finance Council are to be provided in the annual Financial Report sent to Diocesan Administration.
(2019 photo - created from other photos)
The Finance Council is to meet, as a body, regularly throughout the year and not less than four times during a calendar year. By invitation of the Pastor or of the Chair, other persons may attend specific meetings of the Finance Council. To constitute a quorum for a meeting, at least 50% plus 1 of the membership of the Council must be present throughout the meeting. The generally accepted procedures for the convocation and recording of meetings are to be followed. Minutes are to be taken and kept in the files of the parish.
As soon as possible – and not later than 90 days - after the close of the parish financial year, the members of the Parish Finance Council shall prepare and present to parishioners a written summary report of the parish’s financial statements for the year just ended, as well as a budget for the current year. In addition to the written version, it is recommended that a verbal presentation of the financial statements and budget be made to parishioners.