IMPORTANT: To make initial contact with any ministry team leader, please call the office. Please see the Contact Us page for the office contact information.
Altar Servers
Altar Servers - Servers take scheduled turns assisting at the weekend masses and also assist at Funeral Liturgies to support families who have lost a loved one. Young servers are drawn from Grade 4 and up at St Daniel’s and Sunday school. This ministry is also open to adult servers. (2019 photo)
Altar Society
Members maintain the sacristy and altar areas of the church. Duties are divided in two areas. The first are responsible for laundering, repairing and replacing altar linens; the second for cleansing the sacred vessels, cleaning the altar areas and sacristy and cleaning and refilling the holy water fonts.
Children's Liturgy
This ministry assists in the religious formation of children in Grades 2 and through 4 by communicating the Word of God to them at their level of understanding. Children are encouraged to share insights into what they have heard and are encouraged to find ways to practice what they have experienced in the sessions. The ministry is provided at the 9:00 a.m. Mass from September through May.
The children’s ministry of St. Basil’s Parish has grown both in numbers and activities over the last couple of years. The focal point of the ministry continues to be the celebration of the Liturgy of the Word for Children, which takes place three Sundays per month during the 9:00 a.m. Mass from September to June. Through song, hearing the Word, reflection, prayers and reciting the creed, children are engaged to reflect on and celebrate who Jesus is and how to put His love into action. Numbers vary throughout the year (from around 10 to 50 children), but a solid group of children have been attending regularly.
As a new initiative since 2016, Family Mass has been taking place once per month (last Sunday of the month), giving opportunity for more active participation of children and their families in the 9:00am Mass. Children/families take on a range of duties including: greeting, ushering, reading scriptures and prayers of the faithful and handing out bulletins. A range of family-focused faith formation activities are being offered following Family Mass and other select Sundays throughout the liturgical year. While learning together to celebrate the liturgical seasons of the Church, as well as other cultural milestones, children and their families have been given the opportunity to cultivate a deeper love for and knowledge of God, his Church and the heroes of the faith. It has brought the parish community together and given children something to take home to continue exploring the faith with their family.
Events over the last two years have been many, including Backpack Blessing at the beginning of the school year, Celebration of the Al Dabei family’s first year in Canada, All Saints Day scavenger hunt, Christ the King craft, Advent Brunch and Wreath making, St. Nicholas gifts, Epiphany Party, Candlemass candle-making, Pancake Brunch before Lent, Lenten gatherings (focusing on how to pray,give and fast as families through crafts and games), Icon Painting Workshop, Good Friday Stations of the Cross, Easter Basket Blessing, Good Shepherd crafts,
Support for the Food Cupboard and Community Garden, Mother’s Day notes, Pentecost Party and Family Games & Picnic. Several activities have been organized in collaboration with other ministries, like the Social Justice Committee, the Refugee Committee, the Coffee Sunday team and the Knights of Columbus, as well as coordinating with the sacramental prep teams
and the youth group. Thanks to all, including other individuals from the parish and the families themselves, who have helped make it all happen!
In order to sustain and grow this dynamic ministry we need new volunteers, especially since some of our leaders will not be available after the summer. Any amount of time you can give would be helpful. We are looking for people to commit to:
- helping out with specific events (your ideas for new events are always welcome!),
- set-up/clean up for the weekly children’s liturgy,
- supporting the Family Mass,
- taking on a role as leader of children’s liturgy once a month,
- music minister (playing guitar or another instrument to lead the music at children’s liturgy)
- coordinator of the family faith formation activities.
We would like to emphasize that you do not need to be a parent of young children to take part in the ministry; all ages from Confirmation and up are more than welcome!
Please contact Maria Costantini ( for more details if you feel called to help out and we will try to match your interests, skills and availability with the needs of the ministry.
Director of Music
Music - The Music Ministry provides music at all Masses, Funerals and special occasions. There is a cantor and accompaniment at the 5:00 pm mass, the Folk Choir at the 9:00 am mass and the Adult Choir at the 11:00 mass. In addition, the Resurrection Choir provides compassion and support for grieving families at funeral masses. (2019 photo of music for various Masses)
Eucharistic Ministers
These ministers assist the presiding celebrant in the sharing of the consecrated bread and wine, the Body and Blood of Christ with the worshiping community
This team ensures the Sanctuary and the interior of the church are meaningfully decorated for liturgical seasons and feast days as well as for parish celebrations. The members develop floral arrangements, banners and other decorations to enhance our worship environment.
Funeral Assistant's Ministry
Funeral ministers express their and the parish’s compassion and support for families who have lost a loved one through assisting at the funeral liturgy. Funeral assistants act as acolytes and cross, incense and water bearers.
As Matthew 25:35 states: “…, I was a stranger and you welcomed me,…”. A Minister of Hospitality/Usher is the “face” of the church. Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers are the first people that parishioners and visitors see when they arrive at Mass and the last people they see as they leave the church. A Minister of Hospitality/Usher is a person who helps ensure a smoothly run Mass and ministers to all in a variety of practical ways. It is important that a Minister of Hospitality/Usher be welcoming, friendly, honest, and willing to serve parishioners and visitors and the sacrifice of the Mass itself. A Minister of Hospitality/Usher is an honourable position in the church. At each Mass there is a Lead Minister of Hospitality/Usher and a recommended three Regular Ministers of Hospitality/Ushers.
Lectors assist the celebrant of the Mass by proclaiming the Scriptures during the Liturgy. Lectors may also be called upon to commentate, introduce the Mass, read announcements and lead the Prayers of the Faithful.
The public worship of the Church, including the celebration of the sacrament and the sacrifice of the Eucharist, the celebration of other sacraments, and the Liturgy of the Hours or the Divine Office, which is a set form of hymns, psalms, readings and prayers recited at particular times of the day. The liturgy is the outstanding means by which the faithful can express in their lives, and manifest to others, the mystery of Christ and the real nature of the true Church. (2019 photo)
Sacristans ensure Celebration of the Eucharist preparations by: opening the church for Mass, setting out Processional gifts of hosts and wine, assembling appropriate vessels and linens, assisting Presiders and other ministries as necessary for the Liturgy Celebration. Premises are secured after Mass. Training is provided with a manual/checklist for parishioners interested in scheduled teams of this important ministry.